모야모야병에서 RNF213 유전자의 c.14429G>A (p.R4810K) 변이형과 조기 발병 및 뇌경색과의 유의한 관련성

모야모야병에서 RNF213 유전자의 c.14429G>A (p.R4810K) 변이형과 조기 발병 및 뇌경색과의 유의한 관련성

Significant Association of c.14429G>A (p.R4810K) Variant of RNF213 with Young Age Onset and cerebral infarction in Korean Moyamoya Disease

Release Date : 2014. 10. 24(금)
Eun-Hee Kim1, Mi-Sun Yum1, Young-Shin Ra3, Gu-Hwan Kim2, HyunWoo Goo4, Tae-Sung Ko1 , Han-Wook Yoo1
Ulsan University Asan Medical Center Department of Pediatrics1
Ulsan University Asan Medical Center Medical Genetics Clinic and Laboratory2
Ulsan University Asan Medical Center Department of Neurosurgery3
Ulsan University Asan Medical Center Department of Radiology4
김은희1, 염미선1, 나영신3, 김구환2, 구현우4, 고태성1 , 유한욱1
울산의대 서울아산 소아청소년병원 소아청소년과1
울산의대 서울아산 소아청소년병원 의학유전과2
울산의대 서울아산 소아청소년병원 소아신경외과3
울산의대 서울아산 소아청소년병원 소아영상의학과4


Background and Purpose: Moyamoya disease (MMD) is an idiopathic cerebrovascular occlusive disorder prevalent in Korea and East Asia. RNF213 was recently identified as a susceptibility gene for MMD. The aim of this study was to investigate Korean RNF213 variants in MMD and their genotype-phenotype associations. Methods: Direct sequencing of RNF213 was performed in 165 Korean MMD patients from 155 unrelated families. The association of RNF213 genotype with MMD risk was evaluated dfusing historical controls for comparison. Correlations between RNF213 genotype and phenotype were statistically analyzed. Results: The c.14429G>A (p.R4810K) variant was identified in 125 of 165 MMD patients (75.8%). Most patients (112) were heterozygotes and 13 patients had two copies of the c.14429G>A variant. A novel heterozygous variant c.12086A>G (p.Q4029R) was found in one additional patient. The minor allele frequency of the c.14429G>A variant was significantly higher in the MMD patient group (138/330, 41.8%) than in the control group (8/588, 1.36%) (p 0.001). The c.14429G>A (p.R4810K) variant significantly increased the risk of MMD in Korean patients, with an odds ratio of 52.11 (p 0.001) when compared to controls. The minor homozygote was highly associated with early onset MMD (age at onset 5 years), cerebral infarction at diagnosis, and cognitive impairment. Conclusions: The c.14429G>A (p.R4810K) variant of RNF213 is strongly associated with early onset MMD in Korean patients and this genotypic variant may be a useful biomarker for young age onset MMD or MMD with cerebral infarction.

Keywords: Moyamoya disease, RNF213, genotype-phenotype